GMB member, Christina had this to say about her experience on our August 2018 brigade to communities in Southern Honduras:
"Going on a Medical Brigade was an eye-opening and very fulfilling experience for me. I saw first-hand how health disparities impact local communities. It was a privilege to work with Global Brigades and observe how their goals of empowerment and sustainability benefit these communities in the long run. I loved every part of the brigade-medical, water, and public health! We got to interact with so many families and they were very grateful for the medications/treatments they received and as well as the pipelines and latrines installed. I'm so thankful that these services were provided at no extra cost to the communities, and that we played a small part in promoting good health and accessibility to clean resources. This was definitely a tiring trip, but it was so worth it. I encourage everyone interested to go on a brigade!"
To learn more about our May 2019 Panama Brigade, come out to our meeting on February 19th in Fleming 154 @ 6:30PM.